
Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011

Vorschau für die kommende Woche

Hallo liebe Leser,

hiermit kündige ich euch an das ihr euch diese Woche auf mindesten 2 neue Reviews zu den Filmen Pirates of the Caribbean und State of Play freuen dürft. Darüber hinaus wird es noch 2 andere Filmereviews geben, welche dann kurzfristig entschieden werden. Filmvorschläge? Schreibt sie in die Kommentare!

4 Kommentare:

For those too lazy to translate to english:
"Dear reader,

I hereby announce to you that you got this week can look forward to at least 2 new reviews of the films Pirates of the Caribbean and State of Play. In addition, there will be two other movies reviews, which will be decided shortly. Film suggestions? Write it in the comments!"

I can't wait for your State of Play review though, even with the language barrier, you write GREAT reviews & since our tatses are quite similar, I find them extremely helpful!

thanks for the great feedback frosty :)

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